The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

Bert Hickman - Stroneridge Engineering - Lichtenberg Figures - Shrunken Quarters

This site has amazed many over the years, including me!

Photos can hardly do Bert's work justice.  They are too interesting to see in person!

I've seen and wondered about these for years.  Seeing them in person is unforgettable!

The details are amazing, even three-dimensional!

Note how interesting they look even with a backdrop.  In this case, Mejla...

The cylinders  are particularly interesting.

Just look at the details!

This is a picture of the top - it might give an idea of the complexity of these figures!

Even simple figures are simply elegant!

Shrunken quarters will keep the neighbours interested...

...and a little bewildered!

Bert, I couldn't put these things down all day after receiving them!