The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

Electricity In Diseases Of The Nervous System -  Galvanism, Faradism, Static Electricity
Excerpt from Medical Electricity, Röntgen Rays, and Radium by Dr. Sinclair Tousey


All photos and references can be found in the above links to the scanned version of the book.



IT is only static or other very high'-tension electricity which can be
transmitted through gases, and the general consideration of the subject
may be entered upon at this place. Under ordinary conditions the air
or any other gas in contact with a charged body does not become
charged and is not a conductor of electricity. If it did so, of course, the
body would soon lose its charge by a process of convection; each portion
of the air as it became charged being repelled and giving place to
another portion, which would in turn take away a certain portion of the
charge. Since gases do not ordinarily become charged in this way, it
is interesting to note some of the ways in which it can be accomplished
and in which they can be rendered conductors of electricity.
Gases in contact with the surface of liquids in which splashing or
even quiet waves occur become electrified. One of the practicable
forms of static machine is dependent upon the charge acquired by a
jet of steam. These are some of the ways in which a gas may be ionized,
a condition which will be explained later.
Other means of ionizing gases and rendering them capable of receiving
and transmitting electricity are of greater interest in electrotherapy,
among them are especially exposure to the x-ray, the ultraviolet ray,
and some of the rays from radio-active substances, also by the passage
of a spark from an mduction-coil. This is the way in which the current
is started through the mercury vapor in some forms of the Cooper
Hewitt and similar lamps.
By some one of the above processes, or of several others which might
be mentioned, some'of the molecules of the gas are dissociated into
positively and negatively charged ions. An excess of positive ions in a
gas will, of course, cause the gas to have a charge of positive electricity.
An example of the way in which this may come about is seen when a
gas becomes electrified by contact with an incandescent metal or by
the passage of an electric arc through it. In consequence of the high
temperature some of the molecules of the gas become dissociated into
positive and negative ions. Some 0( these combine with the incandescent
metal or with the terminals of the arc. In the resulting compound
the metal is the electropositive element and will take negative
Ions from the gas and leave the latter with an excess of positive ions.
The Atom According to Sir I. I. Thomson.-It is composed of
electrons or negative particles grouped in approximately co-planar and
concentric circles and in active revolution, the system being within a
sphere of positive electricity. The number of electrons in an atom is
calculated to be eight times its atomic weight}
Ions are atom~ charged by electrons which are supposed to be
1 H. A. Wilson, Phil. Mag., xxi, p. 718, 1911.
~fi about the size of a hydrogen atom. A positive ion is a group of
particles surrounding a positive charge; a negative ion is a group of
particles around an electron. In a vacuum tube such as an x-ray tube
electrons travel at an average rate of 20,000 miles a second, and under
certain other conditions they may travel as fast as 50,000 tniles a
second. No matter how complex the chemic formula of a gas may be,
each ion is usually a particle of one or other of the single elements which make up the gas. .
The ionization of a gas by the ultraviolet ray takes place only when
the light is reflected from a fluorescent substance or from the surface
of a metal immersed in the gas, and the gas is only able to discharge
a charged body in its neighborhood which is not illuminated by ultraviolet
rays when the charge on the body is positive. The x-ray, on
the other hand, makes the gas through which it passes a conductor
of electricity, independently of any reflection of the rays, and the gas
thus made tc;> assume a conducting state is able to discharge negatively
as well as positively charged bodies when it comes in contact with them.
Air ionized by the x-ra'y retains this property if blown through a bellows
or if" heated, but it 1oses its condition of ionization if it is made to
bubble through a liquid or to pass through a plug of mineral wool, or
if a current of electricity is passed through it. A gas ionized by the
x-ray rapidly loses that property by contact with either non-conductors
(insulators) or conductors.
Electropositive metals lose ne~ative charges to the air when exposed
to ordinary light and do not require the presence of ultraviolet rays.
A gas which has been ionized and rendered a conductor of electricity
will transmit electricity at a certain maximum rate which is not
exceeded, no matter how much the potential or voltage may be increased.
The most satisfactory hypothesis is that each ion of gas can
carry only a certain charge of electricity, and with a definite number
of ions liberated in the gas only a certain rate of transmission of the
current is possible. An ion which has performed its function of carrying
an electric charge apparently becomes neutralized or bound again
and is no longer capable of carrying electricity. Hence, a layer of
ionized gas Qeases after a time to transmit the current, and a thin layer
ceases sooner than a thick layer. The maximum rate at. which a gas
will transmit electricity is different in various gases and is called their
saturation current. That of mercury vapor is about twenty times the
saturation current of air. It is interesting to note that the absorption of
the x-ray by different gases is in proportion to their saturation currents.
There are two different ways in which the extent to which air has
been ionized is used in practical therapeutic measurements. One
method is by observing the time which an electroscope requires to
become discharged after having received a standard charge and being
exposed to ionized air. This method has been used in the measurement
of the amount of x-ray applied in therapeutics, the electroscope
being placed at a certain distance from the x-ray tube and exposed
to the direct rays from it at the same time that the patient is -being
treated. The rapidity with which the electroscope becomes discharged
certainly does indicate the degree of ionization of the surrounding air,
but whether this is due exclusively to the influence of the x-ray or even
bears such a practical relation to it as to form a reliable means of x-ray
dosage is a serious question. Another method of measuring the electric
conductivity of ionized air is by having a thin layer of air between metal
plates which are kept at a constant difference of potential by a galvanic
battery , and ionizing the air by exposure to radium or other rays. The
ionization of the air allows a current to pass across the air space and
complete the circuit. The strength of this current as shown by a galvanometer
indicates the degree of ionization of the air. This method is
in constant use for measuring the radio-activity of uranium, polonium,
thorium, and radium.
The conductimty of ionized air is influenced by pressure, but varies
either as the pressure or as the square root of the pressure.
Hertz discovered in 1887 that when ultraviolet light falls upon a
spark gap the discharge is facilitated. This was the basis of photoelectric
signalling. The artificial light richest in the ultraviolet ray
was found to be an arc light of which one pole was zinc or cadmium.
Cathode, Lenard, and x-rays all render any gas through which they
pass a conductor of electricity.
An ionized gas is an electrolyte, i. e., a substance through which
electricity may pass and in which the current is formed by the motion
of positively charged ions in one direction, and negatively charged ions
in the other direction. In the case of a liquid, which is really the most
characteristic electrolyte, the accumulation of electropositive ions at
one pole and of electronegative ions at the other pole is so great that
there is a demonstrable change in molecular composition. The liberation
of hydrogen gas at one pole and of oxygen gas at the other when
electricity is paSsed through water is an example of this; the water being
an electrolyte, and the chemic change being called electrolysis. The
motion of the ions toward one pole or the other may be called phoresis.
Cataphoresis, or the motion of electropositive ions through an electrolyte
toward the negative pole, has important uses in electrotherapeutics.
This same process of electrolysis takes place in solids and gases,
though the molecular change or the change demonstrable by chemic
analysis is of far less importance than is the transmission of electricity
and its secondary effects, radiant and otherwise, produced by the transmission
of the current.
If a platinum wire is heated red hot in hydrogen gas, the platinum
becomes positively, and the hydrogen negatively, charged. The same
is true of iron or palladium wires. Ait and all other gases differ from
hydrogen in being positively charged, except mercury vapor, which is
not charged at all.
If an electric arc is passed through oxygen gas the oxygen becomes
positively charged and will discharge a negatively charged body, or
will give a positive charge to an uncharged body. The reverse effect
is produced when an electric arc is passed through hydrogen.
Positive and Negative Ions at the Same Discharging Point.-J. Zelengl
finds that ions of both signs can be detected near a point from which a
static current of unvarying polarity passes through the air to a plate.
With a discharge of 7 micro-amperes and the point positive, the number
of positive ions is 250 times more than the negative ions
Gases which arise from flames are electrified and are conductors
of electricity. Both positive and negative ions are to be found in a flatl}e ;
these make aflame an excellent conductor of electricity.
1 Phys. Rev., xxxiii, 1911, 70.
The conduction of electricity through gases is not governed by
Ohm's law that the current is equal to the electromotive force divided
by the resistance. It is not true, for instance, that multiplying the
electromotive force or the voltage increases the current flow in the
same proportion.
Steam arisin~ from electrified water is not electrified. Vapor
arising from boilmg mercury is not electrified, no matter how strongly
the liquid mercury may be charged.
When a jet of hydrogen is burned in the air the unburned hydrogen
in the jet is negatively charged. Lavoissier and Laplace as long ago
as 1782 noted the fact that hydrogen rapidly liberated by the action
ofsulphuric acid upon iron possesses a strong positive charge.
According to J. J. Thompson's observation, the presence of an
electric charge upon a drop of water tends to prevent the evaporation
of the water. Crookes, on the other hand, has found that evaporation
takes place more rapidly from the surface of water which is negatively
electrified than when the water is not electrified. Mascaret's observation
is that either positively or negatively charged water evaporates
faster than water which is uncharged. The possibility of error in these
observations lies in the lack of uniform conditions as to the humidity
and the temperature of the surrounding air and as to mechanic currents
in it and in the lack of uniformity in the condi~ions which would
ionize the air and influence its electric conductivity. If the air in contact
with the surface of the water were ionized it would receive a
charge of electricity from the water and be repelled from it, giving
place to a fresh portion of air, which in its turn would be charged and
repelled. Each portion of air woutd, of course, absorb more or less
water and the result woula oe a more rapid evaporation than the normal,
just as if a current were produced in the air in any other way.
There are many ways in which the air might become accidentally ionized
to a sufficient extent to affect the result in an experiment of this
If the air or any other gas in a glass tube be partially exhausted by
means of an air-pump, and there are two wires leading into it, the
phenomena observed on connecting it with the source of high potential
electricity may vary with the degree of exhaustion.
Before the tube has been exhausted a discharge will take place
through it as a zi~zag spark passing through it from one wire to the
other, and the same 18 true of a tube in which the gas has been exhausted,
but into which air has entered in consequence of a leak or a puncture.
Such a state of things sometimes occurs with an x-ray tube, and it
indicates the presence of so large a leak that no amount of regulation
of the vacuum will be effective until the opening has been found and
sealed up. The discharge through a tube in this condition does n9t
differ materially from that which takes place through the open air,
and as in the latter case the distance across which the discharge will
pass is strictly limited to the number of inches which corresponds to
the voltage or the difference of potential of the two poles. The spark
length which certain voltages will produce is variously estimated and
depends partly upon the shape and material of the discharging surfaces.
A spark 1 inch long through the open air, or in a tube filled
with air, requires at the least a potential of 10,000 volts.
A vacuum tube exhausted to the Geissler degree of Ti~ atmosphere
does not become luminous on the passage of a continuous current,
no matter of what tension. The moment the current is made intermittent
or alternating the tube lights up. The illumination also takes
place if the tube contains mercury vapor or certain other gases.
A tube exhausted to this slight degree becomes filled with reddish,
bluish, or violet light when the high-tension interrupted current is
turned on, there being no visible or audible spark passing through it,
and this light is more or less stratified, seeming to pass through the tube
in waves. Geissler tubes (Fig. 385) of different shapes were favorite
laboratory toys and were the forerunners of the Crookes tube and of a
modern focus x-ray tube. A tube which becomes filled with bluish or
reddish light allows the cathode stream to pass directly from the cathode
to the anode and does not present as great resistance to the passage of
electricity as one with a higher degree of vacuum, i, e., from which the
gas has been more completely removed, and it does not generate a
useful quantity of x-rays. The study of all the phenomena caused by
the cathode rays has been more successfully performed upon the tubes
with a higher vacuum.
A Crookes' tube is a glass tube containing an almost complete vacuum
of about ~ atmosphere.
Crookes' theory ill regard to a tube exhausted to thIS degree was
that the molecules were so few and far between that they could move
from one wall of the tube to the other without encountering other
molecules. This is the ultragaseous state of
matter. It was formerly believed that the
cathode ray consisted of molecules of the , residual gas, but it is now thought to con~ist
\ of particles of matter, perhaps only onethousandth
the size of an atom torn from
the atoms and thrown from the surface of the
\ Such a tube offers great resistance to the
passage of electricity, and even with a source
of very high potential will transmit a current
of only a few milliamperes. If its two terminals
are simple wires leading into the tube not
much change may be noted on turning on the
r ~ current. There may be a little fluorescence
-of the glass around the negative pole and this.
may be of the greenish-yellow tint which is
excited in ordinary glass by the cathode ray.
This is apt to be greatest around the cathode
-or negative wire. The rest of the tube may
present little or no color, there will be some
: heating of the glass near the two wires, and
--0--. this is often greatest near the cathode.
While a simple Crookes' tube of this construction
does not look very unusual, tne phenomena taking place in it
are of great interest and their study led to the discovery of the x-ray.
The Cathode Ray.-The most important phenomena produced
by the passage of electricity through a Crookes tube; are res.ults of the
cathode ray. This is probably a stream of matena~ partIcles mu~h
smaller than atoms driven from the cathode at arIght an,gle to ItS
Fig. 385.-Geissler tube
Cathode stream attracted b) f1n""'.- .
rface and carrying a negative charge of electricity. The other hypoths
that the cathode ray consists of vibrations in the luminiferous
ler does not explain manyof the phenomena as well as this corpUSlar
According to the theory adopted in the present work the cathode
ream of material particles proceeds from every part of the cathode
a right angle to its surface, and without regard to the position of
e anode. The cathode stream is invisible, but its presence can be
adily demonstrated to the eye by the fluorescence which it will excite
various gaseous, liquid, or solid substances placed inside the tube
Id by the mechanic motion which it will produce. Sometimes in an
,ray tube if the vacuum becomes very low the v~sible fluorescence
roduced by the passage of the cathode ray through the gas can be seen
I a bluish streak passing from the cathode to the anticathode. If
le cathode consists of a straight rod or wire pointing toward the anode,
le cathode stream will proceed chiefly from the lateral surface of the
)d, since that is of greater extent than its end. It will cause motion
I a little wheel made up of several vanes or fan-like disks revolving on
n axle in the same way that a current of air or water produces motion
.1 a wind-mill or 'a water-mill. The best arrangement is to have one
urface of each vane covered with polished metal foil and the other
urface roughened, or a shield may be placed so that the cathode stream
an strike only the vanes on one side of the wheel. The unopposed
mpact causes the wheel to rotate. The same motor effect can be proluced
in a tube in which the cathode is formed by a disk or a concave
:ircle of metal, its is the case in an x-ray tube. This directs the cathode
Itream toward the particular spot desired to influence,
The luminous effects of the cathode ray are seen in the fluorescence
,t excites in the glass wall of the tube, and this is of different colors with
glass of different composition; for instance, glass containing a large
I)ercentage of lead changes to a beautiful blue, while the ordinary glass
J.ssumes a yellowish-green tint. If a solid object such as a glass or
metal disk or cross is placed in the path of the cathode stream, a distinct
shadow is cast upon the wall of the tube. Beautiful effects are
seen when various substances are introduced into such a tube. Under
the influence of the cathode ray the following substances show phosphorescence
with the specified colors:
Phosphorescent Colors Produced by the Cathode Ray (J. J. Thomson).
CuSO , , Faintorange.
CuSO. + MnSO. Bright green.
SrSO None.
SrSO. + MnSO Brightred.
BaSO Faintdarkviolet.
BaSO. +MnSO. Darkblue.
MgSO. Red.
MgSO. + 1 per cent. MnSO. Intense dark red.
~~~6~. +.0:5 p~~'~~n:t...M:n:so~ : : : : : : : : : : : :~~~:~ brownish yellow.
CdSO Yellow.
CaFla Faint blue.
CaFI. + MnHa Intense blue.
The most striking effects are produced upon what Thomson calls
'solid solutions. A great deal of our knowledge of the transmission
of electricity is due to the published works of Professor J. J. Thomson
of Cambridge University, England (The Discharge of Electricity
through Gases) .These " solid solutions " are formed when two salts, one
greatly in excess of the other, are precipitated simultaneously from a
liquid in which both are held in solution, the familiar barium platinocyanid
of the fluoroscopic screen for x-ray work is an example of a
" solid solution."
The cathode stream travels at the rate of about 20,000 miles a
second and in a straight line, from which, however, it may be deflected
in a variety of ways. It is arrested by the glass wall of the tube, and
a thin sheet of glass placed within the tube and across the path of the
cathode stream casts a very dark shadow contrasting with the fluorescence
of the wall of the tube. Gold-leaf is less opaque. A sheet of
aluminum 0.00265 millimeters thick forming a window in the wall of
the tube will allow the cathode ray to pass through it in sufficient
amount to produce visible light and to cause phosphorescence in bodies
outside of the tube. Experiments with a great variety of substances
have shown that the most phosphorescent substance is apiece of tissue
paper soaked in a solution of pentadekylparatoleketon.
The cathode rays suffer diffuse reflectioh when: they fall upon a
surface, whether it be of an insulator or of a conductor. Cathode rays
start in all directions from such a surface, especially if the rays have
struck it obliquely. And the substance struck generally becomes itself
a cathode and emits cathode rays, principally normal or perpendicular
to its surface. These reflected or secondary cathode rays occur independently
of the existence of x-rays, the latter are ethereal vibrations,
while the cathode rays consist
of particles of matter.
The cathode stream undergoes
no regular refraction, but
it may be deflected from its
straight path by a magnet.
Deflection of the Cathode
Stream by a M agnet.- The
cathode stream is deflected toward a magnet (Fig. 386) .
and this is the case with the
positive or negative pole or
Fig. 386.-'.-cathode stream deflected by a magnet. both poles, as in the case of
a horseshoe magnet.
Birkelandl discovered a magnetic spectrum in the cathode stream,
some particles being more deflected than others, and the result being
a broad band of phosphorescence instead of a single spot.
Strutt2 showed that this was due to inequalities in voltage in successive
discharges from an induction-coil, and that it does not occur with
the discharge from a large static machine or from a large battery of
Deflection by Another Cathode.-In a tube with two cathodes so
arranged that the cathode streams are parallel when they leave the
surface of the cathodes, the two strelJ,ms will be found to repel each
other and to form somewhat divergent curves. This seems almost
1 Comptes Rendus de la societe Fran~aise des Sciences,cxxiii, p. 92, 1897.
2Phila. Ma£r.. vol. v. No.. 48. D. 478. 1899.
conclusive evidence that the cathode stream consists of particles df
matter charged with negative ele'ctricity, The particles in both streams
~re similarly charged and consequently repel each other. This property
is taken into account in the construction of an x-ray tube, the platinum
disk or anticathode upon which the cathode stream is to be focused is
not placed at the center of curvature of the cathode mirror, but at a
point considerably further away, the repulsion between the particles
of the cathode stream deflects them so that they meet at a point beyond
what would be the focus if each particle proceeded in a straight line
at a right angle to the part of the surface of the cathode from which
it started.
Lenard Rays.-The cathode rays which have passed through an
aluminum window and so have escaped from the vacuum tube present
very similar characteristics to the cathode rays inside the tube, but are
given the distinguishing name of Lenard rays, after their ( discoverer ,
They spread out very diffusely and cast shadows of solid objects which
are larger than the geometric ones or larger than would "result from
rays traveling in a perfectly straight line from a single point. They
cause photographic effects, but since the x-ray is also present under
these conditions it is hard to say just what part the Lenard rays play
in this. These rays are arrested by quartz crystal, but pass through
alum, They discharge bodies charged with either positive or negative
electricity as do the x-rays. These rays and all th2 properties attributed
to them were discovered before the x-ray, and some of these properties
may be due to the latter; still, "the discovery of the x-ray has not thrown
any doubt upon the existence of Lenard rays. There is, however,
some doubt as to whether the Lenard rays consist of material particles
or of vibrations in the luminiferous ether. Their passage through solid
bodies gives some ground for the latter theory , but J. J. Thomson
believes that they are corpuscular in nature. The cathode rays lose
about 10 per cent. in velocity in passing through an aluminum window
and emerging from a Crookes tube as Lenard rays.
Channel Rays (Kanalstrahlen) .-Goldsteinl discovered the presence
of these rays in a vacuum tube. They are produced with a perforated
cathode, are found only near the cathode and behind it, and are
not deflected by a magnet, and their only known property is that of
being accompanied by luminosity. Possibly they are jets of phosphorescent
gas emitted from the perforations in the cathode by a sort of .
explosion. They are made up of positively charged particles of matter.
Lodge's Theory of the Transmission of Electricity Through Gases.2-
Lodge considers that the principal part is played by positive ions passing
from the anode to the cathode along the path of least resistance.
The r6le of the negative electrons projected from the cathode normally
to its surface he regards as subsidiary , not contributing directly to the
transportation of electricity. The electrons, however, are emitted with
great force and velocity and, according to Lodge's theory, they may coltide
with the positive ions and so interfere with their access to the cathode,
and under certain circumstances prevent the flow of the current. For
instance, in a valve tube the size and position of the electrodes is such
that with an alternating potential only currents in one instance can
easily get through. The current can easily pass in such a direction that
1 Berliner Sitzungsbericht.el. 39, p, 691, 1886.
I Sir Oliver Lodge, Phil. Mag., 22, 1911.
the large electrode, with free access to its surface, is the cathode, and
is greatly impeded when the small electrode in a narrow part of the tube
is the cathode.
Magnetic Rays or Magnetocathodic Rays.-Righil distinguishes
these from ordinary cathode rays by the fact that in the former some
of the electrons unite wi th positive ions, forming systems analogous to
a planet and its satellite the rotation of which is controlled by the magnetizing
current. These rays result from the action of a magnetic field
Fig. 387.-Lodge's valve tube.' This acts as an efficient rectifier when the stop-cock
S is open, affording an unobstructed path for the positive ions from the anode A to the
cathode B, avoiding collision with the cathode particles.
upon a cathode stream. They are repelled to a portion of the tube where
the magnetic field is weakest; there they become dissociated and an
accumulation of positive ions is demonstrable.
The x-Ray.-Whenthe cathode ray asa stream of material particles
traveling at the rate of 20,000 miles a second strikes any solid object,
such as the glass wall of the original Crookes tube or the platinum disk
in the modem .focus x-ray tube, the impact gives rise to the ethereal
vibrations known as the x-ray. Were particles as large as pebbles to
bombard any hard surface at a tremendous velocity the effect would
be vibrations in the air which would be perceptible as a deafening noise.
In a vacuum tube the moving bodies are only one-thousandth the size
of an atom and the speed at which they strike is inconceivably great.
The result is equally beyond the range of the human senses; vibrations
in the luminiferous ether five or ten times as rapid as the most rapid
vibrations of visible light, and millions of times as rapid as the highest
pitched audible sound-waves. A special part of the present woJik is
devoted to the consideration of the x-ray. It is mentioned here only
as one of the phenomena produced by the passage of electricity through
a vacuum tube and for the purpose of detailing the differences between
the x-ray and the cathode ray.
Differences Between the Cathode and x-Rays.-The cathode rays differ
chiefly in the facts that they carry a charge of negative electricity
and that they are deflected from their straight path by the influence of
another cathode or of a magnet. Cathode rays consist of particles of
matter, while the x-ray is a form of motion like light and heat. The
cathode ray is. essentially a phenomenon occurring inside a Crookes
tube and has very little penetrating power, while the x-ray is chiefly
known by its effects outside of the tube and has great penetrative power .
Similarities Between Cathode and x-Rays.-They both ionize the air,
1 Le Radium, 9, August, 1912, 300.
2 Ibid.. 1912. D. 5.,.
rendering it a conductor of electricity, act on photographic plates,
produce fluorescence, and are incapable of regular reflection, refraction,
or polarization. They both give rise to cathode rays and x-rays when
they strike a solid substance.
Passage of Electricity Through a Practically Perfect Vacuum.-Experiments
by Coolidge with x-ray tubes, exhausted far beyond the ordinary
limit of ~ atmosphere, show that no current passes under any
voltage while the electrodes are cold, but that it will do so if the cathode
consists of tungsten wire and is heated by a current passing through it.
In that case even as low a voltage as 220 may send a current tl:trough this
vacuum. A Rontgen ray tube constructed upon this principle is described
on page 745.
Special ForD1s of Geissler Tubes.-Vacuum tubes which are not
exhausted to the x-ray degree have already been spoken of. In the
original type there were two leading-in wires and the whole bulb became
filled with colored light which was more or less
stratified. This light could be concentrated at
one spot if the finger was applied to the side
Fig. 388.-X-ray tube.
Fig. 389.-Geissler tube, showing cathode
of the bulb (Fig. 389) and the finger then received a slight discharge
of electricity from the surface of the glass. From this early type have
been evolved the vacuum electrodes which form such an important part
of high-frequency apparatus. A glass bulb with a suitable stem (fig.
Fig. 390.-Geissler tube for use as a vacuum electrode. Insulated handle.
390) and exhausted to the proper degree may be excited by connection
with one pole of a static machine, x-ray coil, or high-frequency apparatus.
This does not require the presence of any wire at all leading into the tube,
and if there is none, the electrification of the enclosed gas must take
place by a sort of condenser action. The metal handle is charged from
the static machine, we will say, and induces in the gaseous contents a
charge through the glass wall of the tube. The gas becomes luminous
with a violet light and with a certain degree of vacuum such a tube will
be found to give out light which contains an appreciable amount of
the ultraviolet rays, the invisible actinic rays beyond the violet end of
the solar spectrum. The presence of the ultraviolet ray is most readily
demonstrated by the fluorescence it excites in apiece of Willemite held
near the tube. The activity of the tube is greatly increased by making
some additional connection, for instance, by touching the other end
with the hand. When there is a leading-in wire passing through the
glass wall of the tube the visible effect is the same, but it does not take
so strong a charge of electricity to excite it. The color of such a tube
varies with the degree of exhaustion, the kind of gas contained in it,
and the composition of the glass. Such a tube may be made long and
curved into a flat spiral (Fig. 391) with leading-in wires connected with
the two poles of an x-ray coil, and gives a beautiful. violet and ultraviolet
radiance with very little discharge of electricity to the patient.
Fig. ;:!91 -High-frequency vacuum electrode with two leading-in wires.
Vacuum Tubes for Electric l11umination.~The first electric light
on record was reported by Hawksbee two hundred years ago. It was
a vacuum tube which when connected with one pole of a frictional static
machine gave sufficient light to read large print by.
The practicable vacuum tube lights at the present day all depend
upon the fluorescence excited in the residual gas by the passage of an
electric current through it. In the Cooper Hewitt lamp the current
is of the direct 110 volts. In the Moore lamp an alternating current of
5000 volts is used. In the Tesla light the voltage has been raised by a
high-frequency transformer.
The Cooper Hewitt lamp (Fig. 392) consists of a vacuum tube about
1 inch in diameter and from 2 to 4 feet long. It contains a certain
quantity of metallic mercury and,' of course, is filled with mercury
vapor. The latter is a very poor conductor of electricity when cold, and
to start the current it is necessaty either to tip the tube and make a
complete connection of liquid mercury from pole to pole, or el~ to
pass a high-tension current of at least 1000 volts through it from an
induction-coil. In either case the 110-volt continuous current is
thereafter transmitted through the gas and causes brilliant fluorescence.
The smaller size tube gives 300 and the larger size 700 candle-power .
The tube does become hot, but not nearly as much of the power is consumed
in this way as in the incandescent electric lamp. Only 3~ amperes
of current are used. Its efficiency is correspondingly high, in fact,
the claim is made that it requires only i Watt per candle-power, while
a 16-candle-power incandescent lamp requires! ampere and 110 volts,
making 55 Watts; or 3! Watts per candle-power. The cathode terminal
should be liquid mercury at the lower end of the tube. The positive
terminal is ,usually of iron. The Cooper Hewitt lamp has about the
same efficiency as the electric arc lamp. The light from this lamp pre-
Bents the spectrum of incandescent mercury vapor, it is rich in violet
rays, and almost entirely lacking in red rays. It is not especially rich
in ultraviolet rays, as tested by Willemite. A very interesting observation
may be made with the spectroscope in connection with this lamp
described in the next paragraph.
Nature of Fluorescence.-Fluorescent substances have the property
of intense absorption of light at their surfaces and of slowing the
rate of vibration of light falling upon them. In the case of the mercury
vapor light apiece of cloth saturated with a solution of a fluorescent
substance like rhodamin, and dried, may be wrapped around the luminous
tube. Red lines and others not in the mercury spectrum will immediately
be seen with the spectroscope. It is in the same way that Willemite slows
up the vibrations of invisible ultraviolet light and changes it to a brilliant
green. Something of an analogous nature must take place in connection
with the ionization of the air by the ultraviolet ray. It will be
remembered that the ultraviolet ray ionizes a gas and renders it a con-
Fig. 392.-Cooper Hewitt lamp.
ductor of electricity and capable of discharging a charged body only
when the light is reflected from a fluorescent substance or from a metal
immersed in the gas.
The Cooper Hewitt light, of course, does not give the natural color
to objects illuminated by it. Red objects appear blue or purple and
every little capillary in the skin and the entire mucous surface of the
lips appears bluish. The visible effect is as if the person were dead and
decomposition had begun. While it is not suitable for general illumination,
excellent photographs may be made by it, either originals
or reproductions from others.. It is made up almost exclusi,vely' of the
most actinic rays of visible light and on this account has seemed of value
to the present author in the treatment of tuberculosis by light baths.
The uviol lamp is made of glass which transmits a greater percentage
of ultraviolet rays. The eyes, however, should be protected from
a light so rich in ultraviolet rays.
Moore's Vacuum-tube Light.-Tubes of any length may b(}used
and Dassed from room to room, distributing the light just likj. thesteam-
or gas-pipes. They are connected at a c~ntral box in the ee'llar or elsewhere
with the alternating current of 110 volts, or with the 110-volt
direct current modified by the use of a vacuum-tube rotator, producing
extra currents by its sudden breaks in passing through an electromagnetic
coil. Either of these currents is passed through a step-up transformer,
raising it to 5000 volts. Any kind of vapor may be used in
the tubes and light of any desired color and spectrum may produced.
Daylight may be imitated very closely. The light is accompanied by
very little heat.
The Nikola Tesla Vacuum-tube Light.-This is produced in a
vacuum tube of any length by charging and discharging a condenser
and passing the discharge through the primary of an induction-coil.
The secondary current thus obtained is of very high voltage and frequency
and can be used with tubes with or without leading-in wires.
Disruptive Nature of Vacuum-tube Transmission.-A discharge
of electricity through a gas which has been ionized can, it is true, take
place by simple conduction, as in the apparatus employed for testing
the radio-activity of radium salts, or in testing the quantity of the x-ray
by the rf!.pidity with which a charged electroscope becomes discharged,
but such a transmission of the current is as free from any special phenomena
as i( the charge were conducted by an equal length of copper wire.
The discharges through the vacuum-tubeswhich have just been described
are essentially of the nature of sparks or disruptive discharges breaking
through t4e gas, not carried by it. Still the same ionized gas will also
transmit electricity in the silent and invisible manner characteristic of
true conduction. A Cooper Hewitt lamp, for experiment, may have a
couple of leading-in wires at opposite sides near the middle of the length
of the tube, and these two opposite wires may be connected with wires
leading from a galvanic battery of one or two cells. A galvanometer
placed in the circuit will show that no current passes through the battery
circuit until the Cooper Hewitt light is turned on, and the rarefied gas
between the two wires coming from the battery and leading into the tube
is ionized and becomes a conductor of electricity.
A chemically active; form of nitrogen is produced when pure nitrogen
gas is used in a Geissler tube and an electric discharge takes place thrpugh
it. -r The explosive distance in vacuum tubes is increased in a magnetic
field parallel With the space, and there is a best strength for the field.l
A tube may light up in a field of 1400 gauss and become dark in a
field of 3000 gauss (electromagnet with a current of 16 amperes).
1 nmlv (; R- rl" I", .qn~- rl" Rinl. 1.';0. 1910. 15.';2. and 151. 1910. 1320.


(C) Jeff Behary, 2004.  All Rights Reserved.