The Turn Of The Century
Electrotherapy Museum
Forgotten Tesla Technologies

Updates from 2010

Reproduction Frederick Finch Strong Electrode Handle
Oudin Resonator 2010
Oudin Treatment Coil
Oudin Coil Complete
Binary Tesla Coil Capacitors
Leydencake:  A new experimental oil-filled Pancake Coil..
Leydencake Part II
Leydencoil - Oil Insulated Cylindrical Tesla Coil
New tests of combination Pancake Coil / Oudin Coil
(Dedicated to Brian and Frank)
Powering a Tesla Coil with an X-Ray Transformer
Powering a Tesla and Oudin Coil with an X-Ray Transformer, Part II
Powering a Tesla / Oudin Coil with an X-Ray Transformer, Part III
Powering a Pancake Coil with an X-Ray Transformer, Part II
40W Bipolar Pancake Coils for Studying Phantom Streams
Van de Graaff Spark Photos
Threaded Tesla Coil Secondary Forms & Coils
Threaded Secondary Coil Forms, Closeup
Testing an 8.5" Pancake Coil, Part II
Narration and Testing of an 8.5" Pancake Coil
Testing an 8.5" Pancake Coil, 34 AWG wire, 700 turns
Testing an 8.5" Pancake Coil

Electrotherapy Museum 2010 Tesla Experiments:  Lighting, Static

Electrotherapy Museum 2010 Tesla Coil Tests:  Flaming Arcs

A Special Project Dedicated to Brian Foley and Frank Jones
Bipolar Phantom Stream  Experiments
Brush Discharge Experiments
High Resolution "Stuff"

Steam Punk Tesla Coil & Spark Gaps
Simplified Tesla / Kinraide Coil For Studying Electrical Discharges
A New Design Of Heavy Duty Spark Gap
Curtis Coil Test with MOT and Dimmer Circuit
Martin Edmund's Table Top Tesla Oscillator (Part 1)
Martin Edmund's Table Top Tesla Oscillator (Part 2)
2 Microfarad Tesla Oscillator Tests
Tesla Phantom Streamers 21. June 2010 - New Arrangement

Solid State Dimmer-Driven MOT Circuit for Producing Phantom Streams
with a Pancake Coil
Solid State Dimmer Circuit For Induction Coils / Ignition Coils
Striations in Crookes / Geissler Tubes
Tesla Bulbs
More Tesla Bulb Experiments
Electroscope made from Light Bulb...
Homemade Voltaic Pile
Phantom Streams and Apparatus
More Phantom Streamer Photos
Phantom 2010:  A Modern Version Of Kinraide Experimentation Apparatus
Cyclone 2010:  The Latest Incarnation Of Kinraide Experimentation
Dividing Head Tungsten Spark Gap - Adjustable in 1/1,200th - 1/14,400th of an inch increments
Drum Style Bipolar Tesla Lecture Coil
Reproduction Floor Model Kinraide High Frequency Induction Coil
Reproduction Kinraide High Frequency Induction Coil & Movie
Tesla Coils with 2000 turns and above...
Analysis of Tesla Phantom Streamers, Part One
Micrometer Spark Gap with Positive Stopping Positions
 - 1/10,000th of an inch increments
Micrometer Spark Gap with Positive Stopping Positions
Depth Gauge Spark Gap
Some Experimental Coils, Carbon Arc Lamp