The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

Jeff Behary's Pancake Tesla Coils & Experiments

Leydencake:  A new experimental oil-filled Pancake Coil..
Leydencake Part II
New tests of combination Pancake Coil / Oudin Coil
(Dedicated to Brian and Frank)
Powering a Tesla Coil with an X-Ray Transformer
Powering a Pancake Coil with an X-Ray Transformer, Part II
40W Bipolar Pancake Coils for Studying Phantom Streams
Testing a Pancake Coil under Cast Silicone and Paraffin Oil
Testing an 8.5" Pancake Coil, Part III
Testing an 8.5" Pancake Coil, Part II
Narration and Testing of an 8.5" Pancake Coil
Testing an 8.5" Pancake Coil, 34 AWG wire, 700 turns
Testing an 8.5" Pancake Coil

Electrotherapy Museum 2010 Tesla Experiments:  Lighting, Static

Electrotherapy Museum 2010 Tesla Coil Tests:  Flaming Arcs

A Special Project Dedicated to Brian Foley and Frank Jones
Bipolar Phantom Stream  Experiments
Brush Discharge Experiments
High Resolution "Stuff"

Steam Punk Tesla Coil & Spark Gaps
Simplified Tesla / Kinraide Coil For Studying Electrical Discharges
2 Microfarad Tesla Oscillator Tests
Tesla Phantom Streamers 21. June 2010 - New Arrangement

Solid State Dimmer-Driven MOT Circuit for Producing Phantom Streams
with a Pancake Coil
Phantom Streams and Apparatus
More Phantom Streamer Photos
Phantom 2010:  A Modern Version Of Kinraide Experimentation Apparatus
Cyclone 2010:  The Latest Incarnation Of Kinraide Experimentation
Analysis of Tesla Phantom Streamers, Part One
Some Experimental Coils
Making Spiderweb, Honeycomb, and Pancake Radio Coils
Experimental Pancake Coil for producing Brush Discharges
A New Design Induction Coil
Low Voltage Spark Gap Tesla Coil Operated from 240VAC Directly
8.5 mfd Motor Start Capacitor, Micrometer Spark Gap...
Low Voltage Spark Gap Experiments - Induction Coils Experiments
Tesla Coil powered Tesla Coil Experiments
Continued Pancake Coils for Phantom Streams,
Thanks to Brian Foley!
Operation Photos of Point - Plane Rectifier Pancake Coil System
YouTube video documenting Phantom Streams
Using an Oscilloscope Tube to show Phantom Streams
30W Pancake Tesla Coil Producing Phantom Streams
30W Tesla Coil Tuner
Snappy White Sparks and Hot Ribbon Sparks
4 Kilowatt Pancake Coil Tests

More Quenched Spark Gap Experiments:
3/4" Diameter Tungsten Dual Hydrocarbon Quenched Spark Gap
Plate Gap with paper washers

Military Quenched Spark Gap Tests with 9" 500T Pancake Coil

YouTube video:
Unipolar / Single Pole Kinraide Coil, Stained
Unipolar / Single Pole Kinraide Coil
Steam Punk Violet Rays In Action; Inside - Out Violet Ray Coil
(Miniature High Frequency Induction Coil)
Steampunk Violet Ray Resonator:  My interpretation of what a Violet Ray
would have looked like 20 years earlier...
More Steampunk Violet Ray Handles
Steampunk Violet Ray Double Resonator
Making a replacement Violet Ray Coil...
6" Pancake Tesla Coil Operated from Power Supply
built on an Edison Record;
6" Pancake Tesla Coil Operated by Power Supply housed in 3" x 4" x 5" Cigar Box
(3-4" Sparks, only 16.5 Watts Of Power...?!)
Behary Tesla Powered Static Machine Details

YouTube Video:

YouTube Electrotherapy Museum Video Part 1 of 3

YouTube Electrotherapy Museum Video Part 2 of 3

YouTube Electrotherapy Museum Video Part 3 of 3
YouTube 8 minute 22 second Video:  The Quest For Kinraide
(Details of the earliest surviving Tesla Coils from 1897-1899)
Experimental Portable Tesla Apparatus:  Combination d'Arsonval (Diathermy) / Tesla Pancake Coil

YouTube Video:
Featured Tesla Coil:  1650V 10mA coil producing cold sparks
Featured Tesla Coil:  1650V 10mA coil producing hot  sparks
Unpotting And Measuring Master Violet Ray Coils
Reproduction Kinraide Static Machine
Tesla Coil Rectifier, uses Point - Plane electrodes
Protocakes:  Nine Pancake Coils for Studying Electrical Discharges

2.  Construction Photos
3.  Testing Photos / YouTube Video
Time Lapse Photos of Kinraide Coils:  Phantom Streams and Brush Discharges
9" Pancake Coil with 9" Discharges
03 June 2009 - Tesla Coil / d'Arsonval Fireworks or Spark-lers

You Tube video:
YouTube Video:  12" Discharges from an 8.25" Diameter Pancake Coil
Mesh Fiberglass Tape Reinforced Wax Pancake Coils
Lower Frequency Flat Spiral Pancake Coils.  Initial Testing.
Operating a Tesla Coil from low voltage Sinusoidal Outputs of an A.S. Aloe Diathermy Machine (less than 25 volts)

Non-Inductive Leads to Tesla Pancake Coils;
Tesla Pancake-Coil Powered Static Machine
Tar and Paraffin Wax insulated Pancake Coil
Completed Bipolar Tesla Pancake Coil - 9kV 120mA, .004 mfd, 4-series Tungsten Spark Gap
9kV 120mA Twin Pancake Tesla Coils, 9" Flat Spiral Pancakes (26 AWG)
The Real Use For Brass Bed Balls
Pancake Coil Experiments
330T Pancake Coil For Producing Positive Phantom Streams with
a negatively charged ball terminal
6" Pancake Coil for Producing Negative Streamers terminating in Positive Streamers
(Phantom Streams)
High Frequency Induction Coil / Bipolar Pancake Coil
Low Voltage DC Powered Tesla Coil, using a Relay and an Electromagnet
Turpentine / Poulsen Spark Gap with 500T Pancake Coil
Powered by Microwave Oven Transformer
Turpentine / Poulsen Spark Gap - Details of 2nd Day Tests
Poulsen Arc Hydrocarbon Spark Gap - Copper-Carbon, Turpentine powered
Cip's Second Tesla Coil
Tesla Coil Powered By A Contactor / Relay
Cip's First Tesla Coil
Poulsen / Duddell Singing Arc Powered Tesla Coil - Initial Experiments

The Creation Of A Tesla Lecture Coil:
1. Universal Tesla High Frequency Lecture Coil
2. Tesla Lecture High Frequency Induction Coil - 6" Spark Capacity
3. Baby Bipolar Tesla Pancake Coils
4. Making a small 4" Pancake Coil, 1000 turn secondary coil...
Kinraide Coil Reproduction, with Water-Cooled Copper Plate Spark Gap
Kinraide Coil Reproduction, Varnished, with movie.
Phantom Streamers finally photographed!
Recreating Kinraide-Jackson Experiments, ca. 1904
More Sparks!
Reproduction Kinraide Coil even nearer completion!
Reproduction Kinraide Coil nearing completion...11" - 12" Spark Capacity
Gallery of Reproduction Kinraide Coil Testing Photos
Semi-finished Kinraide Coil - Bondo mould of familiar shape...testing photos and movie.
Testing Reproduction Kinraide Coil II - 3 Movies
Reproduction Kinraide Coil II - Multilayered Pancake Coil

29. June 2008 - 81 Years Today Thomas Burton Kinraide died -
We decided to wind a Kinraide Coil as a tribute.  It was an all-day affair,
and well worth the effort.

Endless thanks to Frank Jones who had the special triple silk-covered wire custom made!
"Cyclone Plus" - Tesla Coil for producing Phantom Streamers and other Electric Phenomena
Phantom Stream Experiments:  Series Spark Gap
"Cyclone Plus":
Thomas Burton Kinraide research continues!
Special Tesla Coils for producing Phantom Streamers!
Inside Out Pancake Coil
High Frequency Unipolar Induction Coil
Kinraide Coil Reproduction For Producing Phantom Streamers
15kV 60mA Pancake Coil Tests - Dischargers mounted
Movie:  4 1/2" Pancake Coil - Air Bubbles Boiling Out Of Wax
Movie:  Twin Pancake Coil Test - 9kV 120mA
PROOF 2:  Low power Tesla Coil giving 5" sparks with Violet Ray "Kicking Coil" Circuit.
PROOF:  5" Sparks from a 110V "Kicking Coil" (Violet Ray) circuit - approx. 35 watts.  Twin Pancake Coils and scrapped Roger's Violet Ray power supply are used to replicate Tesla's table top oscillator.

Revisiting the Tesla Half Size High Frequency Induction Coil...
2 years later and finally completing this unit!
Bipolar, Tripolar, and Quadpolar Tesla Coil Tests...
Flat Spiral To Conical Coil - Testing a
Modified Form of Kinraide "Jackson Coil"
15kV Single Pancake Coil Test
Negative Discharges from Primary Coil to Tesla Ball Terminal
15kV Bipolar Pancake Coil Test - 12"+ Discharges
4" Pancake Coil for producing "Phantom Streamers"
Testing a Prototype 9" Pancake Coil with a Rotary Spark Gap
How to wind a simple form of Pancake Coil.
Photos of Pancake Coil constructions and apparatus...
9" Pancake Coil Test
Pancake Coil efficiency debate:  To the Tesla List
Tesla Inspired Induction Coil:  2" hot flames from a Model T Coil ran
directly from 220/240V mains!  No electronic ignition here! No circuit

board!  No soldering!  No transistors!!
Transformer-less Spark Gap Tesla Coil operated directly from 220/240V
mains!  Its possible - and here is proof and movie!
Weekend projects:
"Fitzgerald Pancake Coil": 8 Watt Tesla Coil giving 2 - 4" sparks!
Viracorp Violet Ray, Renulife Model K Violet Ray
My reproduction 1897 Tesla Oscillator has a new home
in Frank's collection!
 Kilowatt Pancake Coil stills
Homebrew Pancake Coil for Tesla Coil builders
"White Coils":  Pancake Coils for 12"+ discharges
15 kV Pancake Coil tests - round one.
Effluves and ionizations...
And sometimes they just SING!  9" discharges from a
9" Pancake Coil.
Gas Flame-like Discharge Experiments:
Curious effects of a 9" coarse wire Pancake Coil.
20V Tests:  Operating a Tesla Coil (with a spark gap!)
at low voltage, less than 200 volts on the output of the
(normally 1000V) high voltage transformer!

Testing a 3" Pancake Coil.  A Pancake Coil built of modern
materials:  PVC, Drywall Seam Tape, Wax Toilet Rings,
Brass Tubing, and a 1.5" Steel Ball Bearing!
Adjustable Frequency Tesla Coil Power Supply
Testing a 16" Pancake Coil Galleryl

Movie 1 - Flat Spiral Coil - 16" Diameter

Movie 2 - Flat Spiral Conical Coil - 14" Diameter
Low power Tesla Coil experiments:

Static Discharges from a Pancake Coil:
Electrostatic Charging of Cardboard tube with Tesla Coil
Complete Half Size Tesla Induction Coil:
An interesting look at a classic forgotten
Tesla Coil design.
22 October 2006 Weekend Projects:
Floor Model Pancake Tesla Coil,
1890s Tesla High Frequency Induction Coil,
Prototype Flaming Arc Twin Pancake Coil
Half-Size Tesla Induction Coil
A bipolar Pancake Coil with the primary coil on the
inside.  Each half of the primary has 25 turns, each
secondary coil has 120 turns.  Discharge is over 4"
Arcing Pancakes - Testing Phase I
Machined from scratch in two days...a bipolar Tesla /
Kinraide Coil modified for low voltage high current
8" Twin Pancake Tesla Coil
Operated with a 10kV 23mA Neon/OBIT Transformer,
.01 Mica Transmitting Capacitor, and 4-Series
Reproduction Osborn Spark Gap (originally made by
H. G. Fischer for Thompson Plaster Cabinets)
7" Twin Pancake Tesla Coil with 2900 BPS
Rotary Break - 50-100W, 9" maximum
Movie of Twin Pancake Tesla Coil
100 Watt Twin Pancake Tesla Coil
with Rotary Spark Gap - 8" Discharges!
18" Flat Spiral Coils
A weekend outdoors:  making coils and entertaining the cat.
Testing an 18" Pancake Coil
9600V 120mA Transformer; .046 mfd Condenser; 5-series
1/2" Tungsten Spark Gap; 18" OD 4" ID Pancake Coil:
One turn per layer, 21 AWG wire.

Movie:  Testing Phase I
Movie:  Testing Phase II
3" Pancake Coil Testing:
Produces 2" - 4" Flaming Discharges.

Film of discharges (2.5 MB)

Film of "Dancing, Bursting Effluves"
and Flaming Discharges
Coil Winding - Winding a multilayered Pancake Coil
(Monico Sanchez Coil)
Reproduction Kinraide Coil with 6" Diameter Quenched Gap:
This apparatus consumes only 50 - 100 watts.

Film of Coil and Quenched Gap in Operation
Kinraide Reproduction:  Oil Filled Coil
Kinraide Reproduction:  Flat Spiral Coils at low power
Kinraide Multilayer Conical Coil System
Reproduction One Kilowatt Kinraide Coil
 1897 Tesla Oscillator Reproductions
 Large 1897 Oscillator Reproduction
 Prototype Flaming White Arc Coil
 Behary Flaming White Arc Coil
 9" Pancake Coil Gallery
 Thomas Stanley Curtis Kicking Coil Reproductions
 50W Baby Prague Coil
 Behary-Kinraide-Jackson Coil Reproduction
 Early Prague Coil Testing
 Pre-Installation Of Prague Coil
 Large Pancake Coil Winding Jig
 Pancake Magnifier System
 Details Of Pancake Coil Construction
 Misc. Pancake Photos